We offer a variety of credit cards to suit your everyday needs. For an even more secure option, consider a secured credit card. Backed by the cash you have, these cards ensure that as long as you pay off the balance each billing cycle, you won’t incur any interest charges! Looking to build your credit or improve your credit score? Credit cards are an excellent way to do it.
Here at Sioux Valley Community Credit Union, we have multiple options to fit your needs.
This is a great option for your everyday credit card use! The ease of feeling protected by Mastercard on your purchases, a great low interest rate, and the ability to see your balance and spending through your online banking at SVCCU. The platinum card also offers UChoose Rewards that you can earn, and then use for other everyday purchases or apply towards your balance directly to lower the statement balance!
With the Mastercard Gold you have the ease of feeling protected by Mastercard on your purchases. With our low interest rate, using this card for everyday spending is a breeze. Using our online banking you can make a payment directly from your checking or savings account towards your mastercard balance at any time without any payment fees.
With the Mastercard Classic you have the ease of feeling protected by Mastercard on your purchases. With our low interest rate, using this card for everyday spending is a breeze. Using our online banking you can make a payment directly from your checking or savings account towards your mastercard balance at any time without any payment fees. This card is great for those that need to build additional credit to achieve further financial goals.
This Mastercard is great for those needing to build, or rebuild credit. You determine the credit limit based upon the secured deposit you make into a SVCCU savings account. Use the card as a normal credit card. Make the monthly payments as scheduled to start a positive credit reporting account and establish a long term relationship with Sioux Valley Community Credit Union. This card is one of the foundation tools offered to help achieve all of your long term financial goals.